Bridging the gap between leading the tech and leading the people
We’re here to help you succeed in leadership
My job as a leader is not to write better code, faster, it’s to help my team build the right thing in the right way.

Hi, I’m Andrew Murphy, Founder of Tech Leaders Launchpad (TLL).
15+ years ago, I was promoted into a leadership role because I had good tech skills.
With no support, it was stressful. I didn’t know how to manage my time and projects, delegate work to my team. Building trust and relationships was not what I had in mind. I just wanted to write more code, faster but it wasn’t the answer. I had to learn these skills myself.
I practiced, I made mistakes and I learnt from others. This is what happened to me but I hear it all the time.

It makes sense for a company to promote their best engineers but being a leader requires a whole new level of skills, which are rarely taught.
This is why I created TLL. I want to help turn great engineers into great leaders by getting tech leaders to teach you leadership skills that’ll make you succeed in your role and make the journey easier and better with the right help and support.
Product and SaaS companies trust
TLL with developing their leaders
TLL isn’t your generic learning platform

Who have been there, done it and are ready to share their expertise

That provide you with a structured plan to learn specific topics

Practice with worksheets and examples to progress your skills and career
We’re expanding - come and join us!

We’re the only platform that teaches leadership skills specific for tech leaders, by tech leaders but we don’t just want a platform with one or two trainers.
We’re looking for more tech leaders, who want to share their knowledge and expertise to TLL.
If you want to partner with us or there’s a specific topic you want to learn, please get in touch.
Leadership skills can be taught and we want to be there supporting you on your journey.